7 Powerful Sessions for Transformation and Empowerment
with Juli Realy, certified Happy for No Reason Trainer and Sound Healer
“Juli offers a gift of positive vibes! She prepares, leads and engages the class. I am so happy to be participating in this joyful zoominar. Thank you, Juli! You make my day/week/month!!” ~Anne
From Juli’s Desk
We are all in a new world, waking to an expanded consciousness. You are now being asked to let go of all the external problems you face, and claim them as lessons to be learned, and opportunities for change. While we can’t change the world, we can change ourselves and how we react and fit into it.
It is no accident that you are on this page, you are here because you are ready for a profound and sacred transformation. I invite you to come on this life-changing journey with me.
It certainly changed everything about my life – for the positive, and that’s the possibility I bring to you. Let me share my journey. I suffered severe illness, injury, depression and anxiety. The doctors didn’t know how to help me. I had to give up my beloved career. I was in constant pain and hated my body. I was angry at my husband, doctors, church, and God. I was hopeless and wanted to die.
With encouragement, I started restorative yoga, meditation, breathwork, and sound healing. Then I discovered the Happy for No Reason Program which completely blew me away! It changed my perspective, attitude, beliefs and reactions, and lead me to spiritual awakening, transformation and healing.
Rooted in a new awareness and energy, I developed a deep desire to support and uplift others. This led me to became a certified Happy for No Reason trainer, QiGong leader and Sound Healer.
Are YOU tired of feeling: frustrated? Lack of control? Unfairly treated? Worry? Analysis paralysis? Anxiety? Anger/resentment? Depression? Worthlessness? Then I am here to support YOU. This is your opportunity to change and move into being who you are meant to be.
If I was able to shift and recreate myself, I know that you can do it too. We are all energy, and capable of activating our own innate healing power. You are called by Spirit to create a new truth and authenticity for yourself, tap into acceptance and self-love, and cultivate the energy of happiness, inner peace and calm. By combining our energies and intention, we can accomplish anything!
7 Inspiring Sessions Creating a Circle of Joy for Transforming the Heart, Mind & Soul
As humans, we have one thing in common. We all want to be happy. Studies shows that it takes 4-6 weeks of daily focus to create changes in our brain. This 7-week program gives you ample opportunity to change your habits and your mind!
This Circle of Joy, led by Juli Realy (certified HFNR trainer) is based on Marci Schimoff’s Happy for No Reason Program. The successful, but unhappy Marci, traveled the world to interview 100 happy people from all cultures and walks of life, to learn the secrets to happiness. This inspiring program is the result.
Through the Happy for No Reason program, you will create your own Inner Home for Happiness by building strong “Pillars of Support” which encompass all the important elements of life: our thoughts, responses, emotions, physical and spiritual self-care, our sense of purpose, and relationships.
The course offers you profound connection and support, and gives you a map to guide your transformation. All session include:
- Teachings & supporting research
- Affirmations and tips for activating the principles in your life
- Opportunities for discussion and sharing to assimilate and expand on the topics presented.
- Recordings for review.
- A “RESILIANCE RESET” which facilitates:
- Mindful Movement for grounding
- Activation of new neural pathways in your brain
- Emotional release and flexibility.
- Your alignment and flow with new, positive energy.
- Live Q & A: Each session will be followed by a Q&A session for you to ask your specific questions. This allows everyone to experience powerful new insights that come from interacting with each other. Even if you don’t ask a question, you can expand your understanding by listening.
- Membership to Facebook Community Group: This is a private group for our Circle of Joy for sharing, caring, uplifting and inspiration. It is a great way to connect with other joy-seekers, and allows us to carry the positive energy forward after the course ends.
Dozens of Happiness Habits and Practices:
A treasure-chest of tools for daily support in any circumstance
The intention of this program is to give you the know-how and tools of change to support you on your evolution to happiness. Some of the practices are short and can be done anytime and anywhere. Others take more time and some private introspection. Juli will introduce and demonstrate appropriate Happy for No Reason practices for each pillar.
A daily ACTION PLAN is also be provided for your use during the week in-between session, as well as a FUTURE LIFE HAPPINESS PLAN for you to use moving forward, after the course is completed.
It is of upmost importance that you feel equipped to continue your pursuit of happiness after this course ends, because that is the beginning of the new you!
HFNR Program Details

Session #1: The Foundation: Take Responsibility for Your Happiness
This powerful session lays a foundation of positive response patterns to improve your ability to respond to events and circumstances. It will help you:
- Develop an awareness of your habitual response patterns.
- Identify how your responses create either. emotional contraction or expansion.
- Shift from victim to victor mentality.

Session #2: The Pillar of the Mind: Don’t Believe Everything You Think
Current research on the brain and happiness have revealed to us how we can change our thinking and increase our happiness. You will learn how:
- The brain processes and sorts incoming information
- The brain’s negativity bias affects your thought process
- You can overcome this tendency and change your neural pathways to promote positive thinking.

Session #3: The Pillar of the Heart: Let Love Lead
The electromagnetic energy field of the Heart is 60x greater than that of the brain. Learn the research and practices for bringing the heart and brain into coherence for optimum function and how it affects us physically and emotionally. We will explore:
- The natural “inner pharmacy” contained within your body.
- How feelings trigger the release of “feel good” or “feel bad” hormones.
- Which emotions are the most beneficial for your heart.
- The healing power of self-love and setting an intention.
- Happiness Habits for the Heart, such as gratitude and forgiveness.

Session #4: Pillar of the Body: Make Your Cells Happy.
We will investigate the health benefits that Happiness facilitates, and how the energies of contraction and expansion influence our body’s:
- Stress response and cortisol levels
- Parasympathetic nervous system
- Sleep and longevity
We will also discuss the benefits of: tuning into our body’s wisdom, nutrition, hormone balancing, movement and exercise, breathwork, posture, nature immersion, and shielding from harmful EMFs. When we make our bodies happy, we can be happy too.

Session #5: Pillar of the Soul: Plug into Spirit
Grace, Faith, Trust, and God…. Many of us have contemplated the mysteries of the Universe. Research shows that happy people have a spiritual connection with a power greater than themselves, and express it through meditation and prayer. Here’s what studies reveal:
- Meditation has positive effects on us physically and psychologically.
- Prayer impacts our well-being, life satisfaction and general happiness, and is also influential even at a distance
- Practices are shared for mediation, prayer, listening to your Inner Voice, and sitting for Higher Guidance

Session #6: The Roof: Living a Life inspired by Purpose
Marci Shimoff, in her Happy for no Reason book, wrote: “Being connected to a purpose expands you and helps you feel inspired in each moment, which naturally leads to more success”. We often hear that we are here for a purpose, but many of us don’t have a clue what it is.
Our purpose isn’t always our job or profession; it’s having an intention to do what’s meaningful to us in our life. Here you will be able to visit your passions, and the most important elements necessary in YOUR life, for success and fulfillment.

Session #7: The Garden: Cultivate Nourishing Relationships, and The Happy for No Reason Plan for Life
Positive Psychology studies demonstrate that having good relationships is a large predictor of happiness. Our friendships have a lot of influence us:
- Emotions are contagious.
- Our brains contain “mirror neurons” that sync up with people around us.
- The deeper our relationship are, the more influence they have over us.
This section metaphorically compares our investment in friendships, to that of tending a garden. We need to pull out the weeds (negative people) to make room for the flowers (happy people). Here are all the gardening tips you will need to tend to your relationships and surround yourself with support. We will close with a Future Happiness Plan for your Life.
Happy for No Reason Workbook: “21 Ways to Raise Your Happiness Set-Point” This handy booklet features:
- 21 Happiness Habits
- Happiness Quotes from the Happy for No Reason Book
- The Happiness Set-Point Questionnaire
- Julia Ross’s Mood Questionnaire to check your status of the 4 key neurotransmitters that produce happiness.
“Singing Bowl Full Moon Mediation” A meditative sound journey created with crystal singing bowls, gongs, chimes, bell, ting-sha, rattles. It was recorded during the full moon & eclipse and contains the energy of completion and fulfillment. Relax, close your eyes, and breathe deeply to fully entrain to the vibrational energy.
“Mindful Movement Meditation: Balancing Your Energy, Emotions, and Chakras” This is a Chi Gong practice to:
- Cultivate positive energy
- Clear the chakras
- Build resilience
- Promote healing of mind, body, spirit
This moving meditation blesses you with an opportunity to reset yourself that you can use anytime you need it. And remember, it builds new neural networks in your brain that you can program with new positive thoughts. Happy re-wiring!
A full, or condensed version of this program is now being offered live in the Las Cruces NM and Chicago IL areas. Contact Juli directly to discuss options.